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Welcome to Alison Kelly Coaching! Here, you'll find the support, guidance, and inspiration you need to unlock your true potential. Alison Kelly is a seasoned coach, motivational speaker, and personal development expert dedicated to helping individuals and organisations achieve their goals. With a passion for empowering others, Alison offers personalised coaching, transformative speaking engagements, and insightful podcast appearances. Whether you’re here to overcome challenges, boost your confidence, or inspire your team, you’ve come to the right place. Explore our services and take the first step toward a more empowered and fulfilled life. Welcome to your journey of growth and success!


Understanding Impostor Syndrome: The Hidden Struggle

Understanding Impostor Syndrome: The Hidden Struggle

Impostor syndrome is a psychological phenomenon that affects countless individuals across various walks of life. Despite external evidence of their competence, people experiencing impostor syndrome struggle to internalize their accomplishments and constantly fear being exposed as a fraud. This pervasive self-doubt can have significant impacts on mental health and overall well-being, making it essential to understand what impostor syndrome entails and how to overcome it.

What Is Impostor Syndrome?

Coined in the 1970s by psychologists Pauline Clance and Suzanne Imes, impostor syndrome is characterized by feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, and a persistent belief that one's success is undeserved. It often affects high-achieving individuals who, despite their successes, attribute their accomplishments to luck, timing, or other external factors rather than their own abilities. This mindset leads to a chronic fear of being "found out" or exposed as an intellectual fraud.

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